Safe Pallet Racking Installation: 6 Things to Consider
Installing Pallet Rack under Permit is required throughout the Province of British Columbia. Having founded Hi-Cube Storage Products 40 years ago, spending considerable time designing supplying and installing storage systems, I have witnessed the extensive changes in the requirements to install these systems. The greatest changes have taken place in the last 10 years. It […]
Selecting Warehouse Shelving
Whether you plan on expanding, moving or replacing racking/shelving, here are three important considerations when planning for a shelving system. 1) Storage height capacity It is important to get the most out of your warehouse space. This means taking advantage of a variety of solutions, including pallet racking, shelving systems, and vertical bulk storage systems. […]
Building Permit for Storage in BC
As an owner or facility manager of a small to mid-size operation, you may be aking yourself if you need a building permit for a storage system in BC. Many approach the subject with some trepidation because building permits can cause major work and headaches for the uninitiated. Despite the stress, your storage system in […]